What our parents and students say about us

Our testimonials

We’ve given you the answers, now it’s time to hear our glowing report from our lovely pupils and parents…

Here at Tutor Planet Llanelli we love to teach, but it’s the feedback and results which really make it worthwhile. So hearing positive feedback and ‘glowing reports’ truly inspires us to keep delivering and improving every day. We want to thank every last one of our incredible parents and students for making Tutor Planet what it is today – we couldn’t have done it without you.

What our parents and children say:

Just thought I’d share this with you and your team, so that you know the difference you have made to our Erin.

Neither Dylan or I are the sort of people who are too concerned about test results or grades. What is paramount to us is, that our children are supported to reach their potential and grow to be confident and most importantly happy and balanced individuals.

Erin started with tutor planet almost 2 years ago. At this time she hated school, to the point it made her sick. This was because she was struggling and could not do the work that was given to her and had zero confidence.

Yesterday, on driving Erin into Llanelli for her weekly session with you guys, she tells us without any prompting. “Tutor Planet has changed my life. ” When asked what she meant, she replied “well before, I really struggled with my maths, now, I am sort of free, I can do my work in school now”. I got to tell you I looked at Dylan with a tear in my eye.

Indeed, Erin’s confidence has grown, not only in her maths but across the board. She is happy to go to school and no longer experiences the anxieties she used to have about going to school.

She has even started to do her homework without either Dylan or I having to nag her to do so, which is incredible when I think back to the battles we used to have with her just to do her homework.

Your part in Erin’s progress has been instrumental. Erin explained it perfectly, your help has set her free. She is now free to continue her learning. As parents we would like to thank you for your input and for making learning both fun and challenging for Erin.

Louise and Dylan James


We have had two children at Tutor Planet preparing for St. Mike’s School Scholarship. They both did very well and we are very happy with their achievement. Thanks to Owain and Cindy and everyone in the Centre.
Rola Deeb


We decided to send our daughter for tutoring at Tutor Planet as she was finding some of the maths in primary difficult. She had been provided with some extra maths classes in school in order to give her that little boost, however she had already lost confidence and was becoming anxious. We were a little skeptical at first as she would be in a small group, rather than one to one, however we have since felt that this has been beneficial as she has felt more relaxed with other children there. It has also made it much more enjoyable and she has made new friends. Our daughter absolutely loves going, is now excited about maths and over a year on is achieving fantastic results in comprehensive school and her confidence has grown massively. Her tutor Cindy is always on hand for feedback and our daughter says she is very patient, always encouraging and supportive. Deciding to send our daughter to Tutor Planet was definitely the right decision and I would highly recommend them.
Helen Price


Great A* maths GCSE result for Llinos.

Thank you very much Owain for your help and support.
If anyone wants help with maths, don’t think twice, Tutor Planet make it fun and easy to learn and has proven to be an invaluable addition to regular school lessons to allow her to reach her full potential.

I would highly recommend.

Mark Lewis


My daughter has benefitted from tuition in both English and Maths: her confidence has blossomed and she eagerly looks forward to her next session. We have seen improvements in her spelling and grammar and she was extremely happy when she moved up a set in English! Whilst she has only recently started her tuition in Maths she is already happier in tackling mathematical problems, and strategies to aid her in remembering her timetables are helping. I recommend Tutor Planet in Llanelli to anyone who feels their child would benefit from some targeted help in these subjects.


Cindy last year, helped my daughter in preparing for her scholarship examinations and my daughter did very well .Now my son attends Tutor Planet and is gradually progressing. The premises are safe and warm, with a friendly atmosphere.

His confidence is building up and he enjoys going there. He comes back home having learnt something new after every lesson. I know other parents whose children also attend Tutor Planet, and feel the same .I certainly recommend this tuition centre to anyone who wants their children to do well in their studies.

Dr Zahid Rafique


I am enjoying Tutor Planet and I think I am improving in Maths.
Emily Edwards


Thank you to everyone at Tutor Planet for providing a great and effective learning experience for our daughter. She thoroughly enjoys the lessons which have given her a confidence boost and enthusiasm for Maths which she lacked previously. This has reflected positively in her performance at school and we are very pleased with her progress.
Gaynor & Mark Griffiths


My son Steff has come on amazingly since being at Tutor Planet.
Sarah Lewis


My son William is a bright lad but has always had a struggle with mathematics. He has been having tutoring for the last year and has really progressed well. He has now caught up with his peers and is much more positive and confident about maths. All the tutors are very approachable and helpful and have been able to support William to progress.


Jack was in year 2 in primary school and was struggling to read. After tests at Tutor Planet it showed he was years below where he should be. Jack stayed at Tutor Planet for over a year and became a confident and fluent reader. Jack is now in year 10 in comprehensive and in set 2 in English. He has recently started back at Tutor Planet for help with maths. He has fond memories of Tutor Planet and asked me himself could he go back, which is a credit to them. Without their help Jack would not be where he is now at school. Thanks to the staff at Tutor Planet.
K. Priest


Great! I’d recommend anyone who needs extra help with their maths to go to Tutor Planet. I’m very happy with their professional service.
Sharon Clark


A huge thank you for all your help and support to Luke over the last couple of years; you’ve undoubtedly made the difference that has helped Luke get his grades in Maths. His confidence grew, he believed in himself, transforming the way he looked at Maths…and he did it!! Thanks to you all at Tutor Planet.
Cath Dunning


Celyn has been at Tutor Planet for just over a year. She went into comprehensive and after tests went into set 5 in maths. A year later and she’s in set 2. This would not have been achievable without Tutor Planet. Her confidence has improved in maths and most importantly, her ability. I have recommended Tutor Planet to many other people and will carry on recommending. Thank you Owain and Cindy.


As a busy professional, I have not the time, nor the teaching skills and patience required to coach my daughter in mathematics. Her day time state school is lovely, and she’s very happy there. However, the vast curriculum, the class sizes and my daughter’s preference for social interaction with her friends above study have meant that in the past, her performance in maths wasn’t what I wanted it to be. Her weekly lesson at Tutor Planet has brought her on from below average performance to being one of the top of her class. She starts secondary school in September, and although she is now performing very well in maths, and this will be an advantage for her transition from primary school, I intend to keep on with her Tutor Planet lessons to ensure she keeps up her standard, confidence and focus. From my daughter’s point of view, she enjoys going. The tutors and staff are lovely and the class sizes are very small and friendly. She says it helps her with her maths in school and she enjoys being near the top of the class. And she gets a lollipop!

Tessa Finch


My daughter age 10 was below average in mathematics and consequently had little confidence in the subject. Since her tutoring she has already gone up a level and is noticeably more confident. I would have absolutely no hesitation in highly recommending Tutor Planet. Their friendliness, professionalism and results speak for themselves. An exceptional service.
Yvonne Davies


My son Llewelyn has been with Owain and Cindy Davies at Tutor Planet since year 6 primary into year 7 secondary. His confidence and ability in maths has come on leaps and bounds he actually enjoys maths now. With help from his tutor Jeremy there has been a huge difference to his attitude towards his maths in school and his marks also reflect this improvement. He really is going well and we are thankful to Owain, Cindy and Jeremy for all their hard work.
Emyr Richards


Before receiving extra help Emily was afraid of maths but I have really noticed an improvement in her ability and confidence. She likes numbers now and plays with them voluntarily! The speed at which she completes tasks has also increased. Overall she is happier in her work and looks forward to attending the sessions at Tutor Planet.
Liz Edwards


I can’t recommend Tutor Planet and their team of professional tutors highly enough. Not only has their hard work and dedication resulted in Rhydian excelling in Maths, they’ve also succeeded in creating a fun and relaxing environment that always has him looking forward to his next session. Thank you so much Owain, Cindy and the excellent team at Tutor Planet.
Angharad Rees
